Dublin Real Estate Update

Dublin Real Estate remains extremely strong with homes that are priced right still receiving multiple offers. I think you will find the following stats very interesting which shows very low inventory and new listings coming on the market as well as homes going pending.

  • Overall Inventory – 22 detached homes and 23 TH/Condo products available for a combined 45 units available. This is still considered “very” low inventory.
  • Pending sales since the shelter in place order of 3/17/2020 – 15. Homes are selling!
  • New Listings in the past 6 days – 4
  • Homes sold with quick closes from 3/17/20 to 4/6/20 – 3
  • Homes have withdrawn since 3/17/20 – 13

Hopefully, you have found this data informative and interesting. If you have any questions or would just like to talk Real Estate please reach out to me at any time. Above all, I hope you are well and please stay safe and healthy out there! 

Give the Serrao Team a call at (925) 876-3756 for your Real Estate needs. We can’t wait to hear from you. Livermore Real Estate Agent * Pleasanton Real Estate Agent * Danville * San Ramon * Dublin * Blackhawk * Walnut Creek * East Bay Realtor

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Pleasanton Real Estate Update

Pleasanton remains steady with homes that are priced right still receiving multiple offers. There has been an abundance of homes withdrawn from the market which is a stark contrast from the Livermore market. The pending sales are about one a day. I believe we will see a large increase in inventory once the SIP is lifted. Right now the inventory is extremely low which still leads me to believe we will have a normal market once things get back to normal.

  • Overall Inventory – 45 detached homes and 9 TH/Condo products available for a combined 54 units available. This is still considered “extremely” low inventory.
  • Pending sales since the shelter in place order of 3/17/2020 – 18 about 1 per day average
  • New Listings in the past 6 days – 6 homes are still coming on the market
  • Homes sold with quick closes from 3/17/20 to 4/1/20 – 1
  • Homes have withdrawn since 3/17/20 – 30

Hopefully, you have found this data informative and interesting. If you have any questions or would just like to talk real estate please reach out to me at any time. Above all, I hope you are well and please stay safe and healthy out there! 

Give the Serrao Team a call at (925) 876-3756 for your Real Estate needs. We can’t wait to hear from you. Livermore Real Estate Agent * Pleasanton Real Estate Agent * Danville Real Estate Agent * San Ramon Real Estate Agent * Dublin Real Estate Agent

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Livermore Real Estate Update

Livermore remains extremely strong with homes that are priced right still receiving multiple offers. I think you will find the following stats very interesting which shows a very robust market in Livermore.

  • Overall Inventory – 47 detached homes and 23 TH/Condo products available for a combined 70 units available. This is still considered a low inventory.
  • Pending sales since the shelter in place order of 3/17/2020 – 37! Yes, 37 pending sales in just 16 days! Pretty incredible.
  • New Listings in the past 6 days – 15
  • Homes sold with quick closes from 3/17/20 to 4/1/20 – 3
  • Homes have withdrawn since 3/17/20 – 14

Hopefully, you have found this data informative and interesting. If you have any questions or would just like to talk real estate please reach out to me at any time. Above all, I hope you are well and please stay safe and healthy out there! 

Give the Serrao Team a call at (925) 876-3756 for your Real Estate needs. We can’t wait to hear from you. Livermore Real Estate Agent * Pleasanton Real Estate Agent * Danville Real Estate Agent * San Ramon Real Estate Agent * Dublin Real Estate Agent

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Simple Fixes for your Home

Time to assess the worst in home brought on by winter. Use this break to take a closer look at what needs to be done heading into a nicer season and prepare you fully for next year.

Dennis Serrao Real Estate Agent


Get at those bushes and trees! Perhaps the winter weather has weakened some vital branches that could snap once dry. Get rid of them. Take a good long look at the bushes that are somewhat manageable now because the impending warm weather will cause them to growth spurt.


The number one offender of big money damage in a home is water. You must respect the flow! Treat your gutters with respect in the weather break by really getting in there. Clean them out, look for breaks or loose mounts, check the pitch and make certain that everything is flowing the direction you want it to.


There is nothing like a broken and dirty screen once you want to throw the window open on the first beautiful spring day. Take this opportunity to remove all your screens and give them a good cleaning as well as check the trim and rescreen as necessary.


Our old foe water comes into play here again. Assess your trim and external woodwork on your home for damage. Poke and prod below the paint to check the integrity. Do you have rot or holes? Well, they aren’t going to get better in warmer weather. In most cases, you can simply strip, seal and repaint your woodwork. This will save big money later and also give your home a facelift for curb appeal.


The next thing to look at would be vents that lead outside, which connect to your heating and cooling systems, dryer and more. A damaged or missing vent cap could allow birds or rodents in, clogging the vent and potentially releasing toxins into your home. “This is the time when birds are going to immediately want to nest. Couple that with some nice weather, and within a day or two things can change dramatically,” Dave Lavalle, founder of Dryer Vent Wizard says.

Take advantage of the sun coming out and give your home a good once over! You will be able to enjoy the nicer weather so much more as well as know that when the bad stuff rolls through again you will be ready!

Dennis Serrao Real Estate Agent

Give the Serrao Team a call at (925) 876-3756 for your Real Estate needs. We can’t wait to hear from you. Livermore Real Estate Agent * Pleasanton Real Estate Agent * Danville Real Estate Agent * San Ramon Real Estate Agent * Dublin Real Estate Agent

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The Importance of a Home Inspection

After weeks of searching, you finally find the perfect home. While it is understandable that anyone would get caught up in the excitement of making that purchase, remember that a house isn’t just a place where memories are made – it is also a huge financial transaction.

Dennis Serrao Real Estate Agent

To make sure that you are making the best financial transaction, make sure you get a home inspection. Though some people decide to forego it, this part of the home buying process can save you time, money, and heartbreak.

Here are five compelling reasons why you should get a home inspection before buying:

1. What’s under the wrapping?: Any house, new or old, can have issues that are not easily detected by the unqualified eye. Think about foundation issues, roof problems, or electrical trouble that can cause headaches later on.

2. Short term pain, long term gain: Buying a home is an expensive affair. It’s no wonder that some people prefer to decline some steps not just to be the winning offer, but to save a few dollars too. However, home inspections don’t cost that much, and in the grand scheme, if that inspection stops you from buying a home that requires extensive repairs, think of it money well spent. 

3. Negotiating power: Another advantage of having a home inspection is getting the power of negotiation. Just think – if the home you really want is just a little expensive for your budget, then you can use the details in your home inspection report to bargain down to a price point that works for you. And if the inspection finds major issues, you may be able to opt out of the transaction entirely.

4. Repair time: In your offer to purchase, make sure you add a clause that requires the seller to make repairs before the deal is completed. This ensures that your house is in better working order than when you first saw it. If the seller doesn’t want to make the repairs, you can negotiate a lower price that factors in the cost of those repairs.

5. Knowledge: Do you know the best reason to get a home inspection? As said earlier, buying a home will probably be the biggest purchase of your life. Don’t you want to know exactly what you are getting? By avoiding unexpected issues through a home inspection, you can make your home purchase a happy one all around.

Buying a home is a decision that has the ability to impact both your financial life and your happiness. Although it may seem like yet another expense, a home inspection can show you whether or not the house you want is the right choice. Your home is a significant investment – make it the best one, too.

Give the Serrao Team a call at (925) 876-3756 for your Real Estate needs. We can’t wait to hear from you. Livermore Real Estate Agent * Pleasanton Real Estate Agent * Danville Real Estate Agent * San Ramon Real Estate Agent * Dublin Real Estate Agent

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Things to do Before Buying a Home

Track Spending

Chances are that buying a new home will likely cinch your spending habits for a little while. The chances are also great that your spending habits will be completely redefined. Now is the time to get real with your spending. On a spreadsheet map out every cent that leaves your possession in a month and for what reasons. The key here is, to be honest with yourself and take a look at what can be removed or tweaked from the budget, long-term, to make room for your new home.

List Wants and Needs

While we are on the track of being real, here is a great time to define the difference between “want” and “need”. For instance, if you work from home a home office is a need, but if you only use your desk to pay bills then a home office could just be a “want”. These differences could not only save you big money but also open up your selections.

Interview Real Estate Agents

Really Interview agents. In this day and age, agents should be pretty easy to vet online as a preliminary step. Check their digital footprint. Do they present themselves in a way that resonates with you, do they have multiple testimonials and have they established themselves as an expert in your desired area. Once you meet with them, pay close attention to listening skills and vision sharing. Give them some broad details of what you are looking for and ask for their interpretations of the detailed solutions…do they match yours? Don’t be afraid to speak to multiple agents before you find the right one.

Select an area, but be flexible

You probably know the state you want to be in and even the general area, but start to look at specific neighborhoods and all that they have to offer. The most important thing when settling on a neighborhood is to get familiar with the surrounding neighborhoods as well. List out by preference your second, third, fourth, etc. choice for nearby neighborhoods. This flexibility will increase your odds of finding your dream home.

Max Proximity to Commerce and Services

When deep diving on your neighborhood resources do not discount services and shopping. You will wish you had when you have to run out at 9pm on a rainy night for batteries. Emergency and medical services are crucial as well. How close is the fire and police departments, how far do you have to go to fix a cut knee? Remember that you plan on being here a while and every scenario under the sun will play themselves out while this is your base of operations.

With a little planning and foresight, your dream home can become even dreamier than you imagined but also become more obtainable now!


Give the Serrao Team a call at (925) 876-3756 for your Real Estate needs. We can’t wait to hear from you. Livermore Real Estate Agent * Pleasanton Real Estate Agent * Danville Real Estate Agent * San Ramon Real Estate Agent * Dublin Real Estate Agent

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Make Your Property More Attractive for Homebuyers

Ensure a Good First Impression

Homebuyers make up their minds about a property in the first few minutes. Make sure your home makes that vital first impression. New paint does wonders. Make sure the front yard is flawless with manicured lawns and attractive foliage. Add a hanging basket or some flower pots at the door. The front door is also critical, make sure the hardware is presentable.

Make them Feel Welcome

Don’t forget buying a home is in many ways an emotional decision, so it’s important to give buyers that warm and fuzzy feeling! Keep the temperature in the home at a comfortable level. Light some candles in the bathrooms and make sure it smells nice and clean. Have fresh flowers around the house.

But don’t make it too personal

Make them feel welcome, but don’t go too far. Too much personality, for example in the form of personal possessions and family photos makes it hard for buyers to visualize living in the space.

Clear out the Clutter

Make sure your property is clutter-free for all your viewings. This will make your home look and feel bigger, and the buyers will be able to imagine how they could make the space their own. Make sure that there is a clean, logical flow through the home by getting rid of all excess furniture. Less is more.

Improve Lighting

This is another way to make your home seem more spacious. Open all your curtains and flood the space with natural light. Make sure the darker rooms are also lit. Invest in some light fixtures and fittings, and place them strategically to illuminate even the gloomiest of areas.

Decorate to Sell That House

Slap on a fresh coat of paint in a neutral color to give it that blank canvas look but do not be too sterile. Have some contrast in the trim as well as the ceiling. Neutral colors make properties appear lighter and brighter, so take advantage of this inexpensive and easy option. You may also add color with decorative window coverings, rugs, and towels.

Clean Up Your Act

Your home should be spotless. Make sure the beds are made and the countertops are free of clutter. The dishes should be put away and nothing should be scattered on the floor. Don’t forget to tidy your garden too: Cut the shrubs back, sweep the patio, and wipe down the backyard furniture.

Those Minor Repairs You Put Off

It is easy to forget things such as broken doorknobs, cracked tiles, holes in walls and damaged but buyers will notice them first thing as they are walking around your home.

Maximize Your Space

The golden rule of selling is to make your space look and feel bigger and better than what your competitors have to offer. We’ve already mentioned that lighting your home, both naturally and artificially, can maximize your assets, but getting rid of bulky furniture can also be a great way of making the most of what you have. Large pieces of furniture make a space feel smaller, so put these items into storage and dress your home with more compact pieces.

Don’t Forget Your Floors

Make the investment of improving and investing in those floors. Worn carpets and damaged vinyl floors need to be replaced, and wooden floors especially should undergo some maintenance. This is not chap by any means, but the prospect of selling your home for the best possible price will likely outweigh the cost.

Remove Pets During Showings

You do not need to remind the potential buyer that the previous owner kept pets.

Try to remove your pets from your home when you are showing the home. Having a pet in the house or yard can create complications for your agent while trying to show the house, and puts your pet at risk of accidentally getting out during the showing. There are also liability issues to deal with as well. They may react differently to stranger and it may cause them stress. All pet-related damage should be repaired prior to showing the home. Make sure to also remove all odors and stains. New visitors will notice smells when they come to view the house. This is not something you want to happen. Have your carpet and floors professionally cleaned or replaced. Pick up any messes in the backyard and have any sod replaced and other damage repaired.

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